Our values are part of everything
we create at GREEN POWER.

We are Green Power Food Processing Pte Ltd, a pioneering entity in the food processing industry. Since our establishment in 2013, we have continuously strived to produce high-quality and sustainable products to meet the increasing demands of the market.

We are committed to delivering the best nutritional products for both humans and animals, while also prioritizing environmental protection.

With our mission and vision, we believe that Green Power Food Processing will continue to contribute to building a greener and healthier community and planet for the future.

Premium Sourcing
We meticulously select our raw materials from trusted suppliers to ensure the highest quality of our products.
Stringent Standards
Our production processes adhere to rigorous quality control measures, guaranteeing consistency and excellence in every batch.
Nutritional Integrity
We prioritize the nutritional integrity of our products, carefully formulating them to meet the specific dietary needs of animals and humans alike.
Continuous Improvement
We are committed to ongoing research and development, continuously striving to enhance the quality and nutritional value of our offerings to exceed customer expectations.
Our Mission & Vission
Providing Natural Nutrition.
To provide wholesome nutrition to both humans and animals, ensuring their well-being and vitality through natural, sustainable food sources.
Transforming Nutrition for a Sustainable Future.
To be recognized as leaders in nutritional excellence, offering super-nutritious food solutions for humans and animals, fostering health and sustainability globally.